Welcome to
St. Giles

We invite you to service every Sunday at 10:30AM.

How we do church

St. Giles is a community committed to growing in grace and truth. Grace for us is straight forward... it comes to us from God through the work of Jesus on the Cross. Truth is similarly simple; Jesus said "Your Word is Truth" John 17:17. Everything that we do as a church is built on God's grace and God's truth as revealed in His Word, the Bible.

At the center of it is the mission that Jesus gave us ... "Go and make disciples". We believe that there are four essentials to growing as disciples . . . worship, study, care, and serving. Still more, as we worship, study, care, and serve a wonderful thing begins to take shape around us and in us. Community. Indeed, community doesn't just happen. It's the byproduct of those who worship, study, care, and serve together.


Be part of exciting moments with God.